My Experience #15 Ek Badlaav

दोस्तों मैं आज आपको एक अनुभव शेयर करना चाहता हूँ , पहले जब कभी भी रिश्तेदार घर पे आते थे तो मैं मिलने से कतराता था किन्तु आज घर में 2 – 3 अनजान रिश्तेदार आये जिनसे मैं कभी नहीं मिला था | एक बार तो मन में आया कि बात करते वक़्त मैं अटक […]

Bhopal SHG meeting 7 Oct. report

Bhopal SHG meeting report Venue – Yadgar A Shah janani park, Near lower lake, Bhopal. {MP} Date – 07/10/2018 Hello all, I am M K harsh from Bhopal madhya pradesh.  Today Bhopal SHG had conducted a meeting . We had discussed on various topics related to stammering.  The first round was introduction round in any technique. Each […]

Ahmedabad SHG Meeting ( 7/10/2018)

TISA Ahmedabad SHG organized an SHG Meeting on 7 October ( Sunday). Here is the list of participants of SHG Meet – Vipul, Smit, Ketul, Shailesh, Veer, Vijay, Pradeep, Shardaree, Harshil, Ram, Bhupendra. This meeting started at 8 am at Vastrapur lake at Ahmedabad. It started with the speech on a topic of our choice for 5 […]

Skype calls

Hi all champions.  We have again started The Skype calls from this Saturday (06-10-2018). Currently we will operate only on weekends From 9pm to 10:30pm. Going ahead we will serve on week days too, once we identify leaders who are interested to conduct. Come, JoIn Us and let’s work together to improve our communication skill. […]

NC 2018 : सुंदर और यादगार पल …

मैं स्वेता रूपारेल गुजरात से हूँ। ये मेरी पहली नेशनल कॉन्फ्रेंस थी जिसको अटेंड करने के लिए में काफी समय से उत्साही थी। लेकिन कॉन्फ्रेंस के अनुभव मेरी उम्मीदों से भी कई गुना अच्छे रहे। मैं और अंजन जी कॉन्फ्रेंस के एक दिन पहले रात को 9:30 के करीब पहुंचे। खाने का समय 8:30 तक […]

A Report on National Conference Bengaluru 2018

The much-awaited yearly event of TISA “National Conference 2018” occurred in Bengaluru from 29 September to 1 October. Day – 1 1. Inaugural Ceremony {Lightening of the lamp by Mr. V. Manimaran (TISA Chennai Chapter Coordinator)} 2. Welcoming Addresses ( Brief Introduction to TISA, Brief introduction to SHG, Details of Bengaluru SHG, An overview of […]

My Experience #13 First SHG TISA in 2016

हेलो दोस्तों , आज मैं आपको अपनी पहली मीटिंग का अनुभव शेयर करने जा रहा हु……… मुझे तीसा के बारे में इंटरनेट से पता लगा (2016 ) और मैंने एक वालंटियर को कॉल किया और जानने के लिए | उन्होंने मेरा पता पूछा और मैंने गलत पता बता दिया जो अक्सर हम हकलाने वाले लोग […]

Power to Face 362 Days : How National Conference 2018 Added Colors to My Life

Hello Everyone, I’m Rajgauri Sadanand Vedpathak from Kolhapur, Maharashtra. I am currently in final year of Mechanical Engineering and I stammer since childhood. I could speak somewhat fluently with family and close friends but couldn’t talk fluently with strangers. Since I couldn’t answer questions in class, speak in oral exams, participate in elocution competitions and […]

Pre-Garba night with Ahmedabad SHG

   Let’s spread stammering awareness with fun! Ahmedabad SHG is going to organise Pre-Garba Night on the holy occasion of navratri please honour the function with your family and friends’ esteemed presence. અમદાવાદ shg દ્વારા આયોજિત કરવામાં આવીરહેયેલી ગરબા night માં આપ સૌને આપના સહપરિવાર તથા આપના મિત્રો જોડે આપનુ હાર્દીક ભર્યું આમંત્ર અમદાવાદ shg આપને […]

My Experience #12 End of Your Story

“Your story may not have good start , but it is your sole responsibility to make its end GREAT” जी हाँ , हम सब……..के जीवन में……. कुछ न कुछ……. प्रोब्लेम्स जरूर……. रहती है…….. परन्तु ……जो व्यक्ति …….अपनी समस्या ……… से ऊपर…… उठ के …….उस पर…… विजय पा ……..लेता है…… वही असली …….मायने में ……जीवन जीता […]

Two Days of Theater Auditions

I have a dream from my childhood to take part in theatres and Nukkad Natak. When I was in my schools my classmates take part in various cultural activities but I always bother how others might think about me as I stammer. So I never took part in any cultural activities till class 12 and […]

My experience #10 The Boy who stammer !

Hi friends , Yesterday i went to post office for inquiry regarding account opening. The lady called to her colleague and told her my case – in between to recall him she told him that  ” Ye wo ladka hai jo Haklata hai ” – I heard this . For initial few second , i […]

SHG Ahmedabad Meetup 23.09.2018

  Hello All ! Hope you all doing fine I would like to share report dated 23.09.2018 So as usual we all gathered at Vastrapur Lake which is prime location for every one Presence Participants of SHG meets as follows 1. Vikrant soni (Host) 2. Vipul Ubhadiya 3. Shailesh Shah 4. Sharadaree Tale 5. Ramavtar […]

Report of Hangout Conducted on 15/09/2018

We had organized an online hangout on 15-09-2018 as part of regular Saturday hangouts. Due to huge response from the Participants, three links were created for hangout. The hosts of the hangout were M. K. Harsh, Pushp Kumar and Dr Sweta Ruparel. Report of hangout conducted on link 1 (Prepared by host, M. K. Harsh) […]

My experience #9 Embracing randomness

Hello friends , As a stammerer we always want a good speech – a fluent one – and here and there we find ourselves fluent but when a set back come in our speech – it can come at any time any where – a person who triggered your stammering last time – a word […]