Report on Workshops in February 2025

Introduction To cater to a lingering need of people who stutter (PWS) in Western India, TISA organised four weekend workshops in the month of Feb 2025, in a forested retreat, Vanvadi (, 100 km east of Mumbai. Many participants joined from the nearby urban centres: Mumbai, Pune, Nasik, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad, etc. The theme was Self-Help […]

Communication Workshops, Mumbai, February 2025

REGISTER HERE  Do you want to enhance your communication? Recover from the stammering mindset (unhelpful emotions & thoughts related to stammering)? The Indian Stammering Association presents a communication workshop series with in-person guidance from experienced facilitators, including the founder of TISA, Dr. Satyendra Srivastava (Dr. Sachin). We are planning four communication workshops in February 2025. […]


TISA Bangalore Shg meeting: 04/08/24. Note: The following is the report from the self-help meeting in Bangalore on  4th August. The report is from Tapan Samantha, one of the participants. These self-help meetings happened across India- Delhi, Jaipur, Mumbai, etc. More information can be found on the TISA website. The joining details are at the end. Participants: (From […]

TISA National Conference 2024- Jaipur

Welcome to the registration page for Jaipur National Conference of TISA!!! Date: September 27 to 29,2024 Venue: Abhinandan – Maheshwari Samaj Janopayogi Bhawan,Plot No. 165, 432/431, Patrakar Rd, Krishna Sagar Colony, Radha kunj, Dholai, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302020. Seats filling up fast!!! Click here to Register for Jaipur NC. The much awaited event of  TISA (The Indian […]

Jaipur Workshop

Jaipur Communication Workshop Report 22-24 Sept 2023 This is a brief narrative report about what was accomplished in the 3-day TISA workshop. It was organized by the Jaipur Self-Help group, very efficiently and in a cost-effective manner. About thirty participants (three women) took part in it; one participant joined with both parents and another, with […]


What people who stutter (PWS) need in order to gain some control over their stutter may not always be therapy of some kind, but exposure! Yes, exposure to more and more scenarios and circumstances – Circumstances that could allow them to express themselves vocally and thereby inspire them to make little efforts to stride out […]

Bodhgaya Workshop

TISA Bodhgaya Communication Workshop 8-9 Jan 2023 Four noble truths: There is Stammering. There is a cause of stammering. There is a state beyond Stammering. There is a path to it. Let us walk that path,  like Buddha!  Introduction Twelve pws explored concepts and techniques related to stammering, besides bonding and exploring this town, famous […]

Guwahati Workshop

  Workshop Report & Accounts TISA offers a one day free open session on stammering and recovery in Guwahati on 20th March, Saturday Venue: Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya, Rupnagar Rd, Naamghar, Birubari, Guwahati, Assam 781007.     Map. Dr Satyendra Srivastava, a social worker, researcher and a recovered stammerer will answer your questions and share a few effective techniques. Registration […]

Vikasnagar Communication Workshop

Workshop cancelled. Please don’t register. 13-15 March 2020 (Fri-Sun), Vikasnagar TISA will be conducting a three day communication workshop in Vikasnagar (40 Km from Dehradun)- for people who stammer, especially from North India and first timers. Medium will be Hindi and English. JP, Pawan and Sachin will be facilitating it. Goal is to address your […]

Siliguri Communication Workshop

Introduction Tisa organised this workshop in collaboration with Medica North Bengal Clinic (MNBC) in Siliguri for people who stammer (pws) on 14-16 Feb 2020. Participants 17 people who stammer from West Bengal, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh – ages ranging from 23-55 years. Three facilitators were from Dehradun (Satyendra), Gorakhpur (Manjulika) and Bhopal (Amit). Proceedings Day […]

TISA Workshop: Looking back to look forward

Bengaluru : 18-19 Jan 2020



This workshop was different from our communication workshops, since here the focus was less on stammering and more on visualizing a meaningful future for ourselves. It was based on some ideas from Futures Thinking course at Coursera, taught by Jane McGonigal.

Three main ideas here are: We rarely do justice to the potential of future and fall into the common trap of assuming that our future will be like our present, just a little better perhaps! Secondly, visualizing future scenarios is better than opting for definite forecasts: we do want to work with and shape our future till the last minute than to set it in concrete. “Best thing about the future is that there are no facts in future” – everything is a possibility. Thirdly, we need to study ten years of past in order to make a five year forecast. In other words, knowing who we have been, how have we reacted to challenges in the past is an important step in this process.


About 40 participants, from Bengaluru: most were from IT background and all were connected to Bengaluru self help group. Facilitation was done by Dr Satyendra, assisted by Dinesh, Abhinav, Dhruv, Noura, Ankit, Nishil and others from the Bangluru SHG.

Thematic Outline

On day one, we used a PRA tool (TIMELINE) to chart our past, since birth, exploring various dimensions: relationships, education, training, career, major illness and loss etc. Based on this we tried to understand our emotional reactions, patterns and our skills: cognitive, emotional and professional; this was done to sum up ourselves as a person faced with emerging and uncertain future.

On day two, we developed some scenarios. 5-10 years from now – and what personal and professional changes we need to make, in order to reach there. We had a very interesting discussion with three HR managers at the end of the workshop.

Read more about TISA Workshop: Looking back to look forward

TISA Seven Sisters Initiative I Communication Workshop in Silliguri 14, 15, 16 Feb. 2019 I Registration Open I

UPDATES: 18 participants have registered. Please hurry!  To promote self-help for people who stammer, in the North East region (“Seven sisters”) of India, TISA is conducting series of workshops in that region. First three day workshop cum get-together is planned at Siliguri (Medica Hospital) on 14,15,16 February 2020. You are welcome to register. People from […]

My 1st Amazing Conference

I’m Nasir Anwer from Dilli . I was already excited to attend the national conference and also meet the people who stammer . I am highly thankfully to the co-ordinator and other volunteers because of which I was sponsored for visiting the conference… 1st of all it is difficult for me to collect the gift […]

Communication Workshop With Near & Dear Ones at Ahmedabad , Gujarat – 14th July 2019

Loud Announcement  TISA Communication Workshop With Near & Dear ones Date- 14th July 2019 (Sunday)    [kleo_divider type=”full|long|double|short” double=”yes|no” position=”center|left|right” text=”” class=”” id=””]   The idea of Communication Workshop with Our Near & Dear Ones has been in mind since the inception of Ahmedabad SHG and finally, we are making it happen through collective efforts. It’s a […]

Communication workshop Chennai on 24-25 Nov 2018

Communication workshop Chennai After a successful completion of National Conference in Bengaluru, We are excited to announce a communication workshop in capital of Tamilnadu, Chennai. Chennai SHG is one of the oldest SHG in TISA. It was started with the  Manimaran sir in 2008 at the Marina beach. Since then, it has achieved many milestones. […]

Communication Workshop at Chakrata

13 – 23 October 2018 SMTA and TISA collaborated first time, during TISA’s first communication workshop in 2010 (left, pic). Ever since, the two organisations have been in touch. SMTA would like to offer a special program of learning communication, hands on in our Primary school (school blog). Learn from children and teach them as well! […]