Hello friends , we are normal speaker in our mind , we process our thoughts in mind without any block or hindrance. It is when we actually transfer thoughts from mind to speech organs , all magic happens and we face the blocks – many people try to speak in slow pace – that is […]
My experience #7 Boy to Man
हेलो साथियों , यहाँ मैं अपना अनुभव शेयर करने जा रहा हु की कैसे मैं इंट्रोवर्ट हकलाने वाले बच्चे से एक्सट्रोवर्ट बनता जा रहा हूँ ये घटना मेरी 12th क्लास के बाद की है – मैं 12th से पहले कभी बस में अकेला नहीं गया था और 12th के बाद मुझे एक फॉर्म लेने पास […]
My Experience #6
Most of us suffer from pain of not speaking well and it is human nature that we think our problem is the biggest. But if we dare and look at outside world , 99% people have problems in their life .. some might be suffering from a disease which may allow him/her to live only […]
हकलाहट के आगे जहां और भी है …
“जिन्दगी में जब जिम्मेदारियों आईं तब अहसास हुआ कि हकलाना तो बहुत छोटी सी बात है।” नमस्कार साथियों, मेरा नाम अभिषेक कुमार वर्मा है। मैं दिल्ली के स्वयं सहायता समूह से हूं। पिछले 3 वर्षों में मैंने कोई पोस्ट आपके साथ साझा नहीं की। मैं अपने पारिवार और व्यवसाय में व्यस्त था। खुद को परिवार […]
हम सबके मन की भाषा है हिन्दी
आज हिन्दी दिवस है। हिन्दी लेखन से जुड़ा होने के बाद भी कई वर्षों से हिन्दी दिवस पर कुछ लिख नहीं पाया। पता नहीं आज कैसे फिर लिखने का मन हो आया। भारत में लम्बे समय से हिन्दी के अस्तित्व और भविष्य पर चिंता जाहिर की जाती रही है। समय-समय पर आयोजित होने वाले सम्मेलनों […]
My experience #5
stammering… a word that haunts us day and night…. sometimes life seems so frustrating that we can’t think beyond stammering…..it happens and happens generally with all of us… infact we all suffer from fear of stucking in the middle of conversation…. or at best we can’t even say single word….Just poker mouth…wide and open… haahaa […]
SHG Ahmedabad Meetup( 09.09.2018)
Ahmedabad SHG Report Date : 10.09.2018 Hello Friends ! I would like to share report of Yesterday’s Self-help group Meeting. We 12 Members met at Vastrapur Lake on 9th September, 2018. So , Meeting was hosted by a Ms Shardaree Tale and she has designed whole agenda as following manner. ◆1st Activity◆ Cross Introduction Round […]
Report of Hangout Conducted on 08/09/2018
We had organized an online hangout on 08-09-2018 as part of regular Saturday hangouts. The hosts of the hangout were Dr Renu Goyal and Pushp Kumar. Report of hangout conducted on link 1 (Prepared by host, Dr Renu Goyal) The hangout started sharply at 9.00 pm with 5-6 participants. Each participant introduced himself by using […]
Neurodiversity Movement For Stuttering
The term “neurodiversity” was first used by Australian sociologist Judy Singer, an autistic, to describe conditions like autism, dyslexia, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in her 1998 sociology honours thesis. It was a deliberate attempt to shift the discussion of disabilities away from talk of deficits, disorders, and impairments. she highlighted the unique skills and […]
More Than Silence | Stammering Documentary by Ananth Mohan | Ahmedabad SHG, TISA
More Than Silence A documentary film which narrates some interesting stories of some people who deals with stuttering (stammering) in their daily life. Runtime: 22 minutes 35 seconds Film Language: English, Hindi Director– Ananth Mohan Writer– Ananth Mohan Producer– Ananth Mohan Production photos: Anil sahu, Pratik sharma, Vivek puri, Harshil damor, Shailesh shah, Vipul […]
My experience #4
Inaction……actually we stammerers think something magical will happen someday and we will get our fluency back…yes back….because most of us were fluent till the age of 4-5-6 etc …due to continuous negative self talk and stammering again and again , we have accepted that we are born stammer…..HaHa.. stammering is funny .. now a days […]
Ahmedabad SHG meeting report- 02/09/2018.
New banner Our new mic and speaker. We met at 8 o’clock in the morning and we started our meeting around 8.10 a.m. and this meeting had been hosted by smit panchal. There were total 5 participants Smit panchal, Vikrant soni, sharadree tale, Veer trivedi and Harshil damor. Ahmedabad SHG has purchased mic and speaker […]
Ahmedabad SHG at DIU, gujarat
Hello Friends ! I would like to share a small Experience of DIU trip with Ahmedabad SHG . After successfully Completion of 1st Gujarat communication workshop we made plan to celebrate in special way , so as jointly we have decided to visit DIU (Mini Goa) for 2 days So Journey started with Excitement , […]
My experience #3
take any problem….let’s don’t take a problem….take a new skill…. can we master it overnight or over a small period..say 10 days…never so why we want to learn a fluent way of speech or better say – becoming a good communicator….. the grim reality is that we don’t accept our stammering,,,we just day dream that […]
Communication Workshop at Chakrata
13 – 23 October 2018 SMTA and TISA collaborated first time, during TISA’s first communication workshop in 2010 (left, pic). Ever since, the two organisations have been in touch. SMTA would like to offer a special program of learning communication, hands on in our Primary school (school blog). Learn from children and teach them as well! […]
Voice workshop day-2
It was the second day of the workshop. We gathered at the venue around 9 and proceeded with our activities. Before Break: We started with the hunter game. The rules were quite simple. One person will start the game, he will be the hunter. He will try to touch other participants. If he touches anyone, […]
An Abandoned Leaf by Neeraj
Author: Neeraj Brahmankar Neanderthals were the first who gave voices to their thoughts. Speaking is a socially learned tool of communication and it is the vital blessing bestowed upon human beings which separate us from other mammels. What happens when someone is not able to speak in a fluent way? I was five years old when […]
My experience #2
Stammering is something which chases you wherever you go…Be it asking for ticket or attending interview Each and every time only one question comes in our mind….What will listner think If I stammer while speaking..??? Nothing….He is busy with his own life…What will be the worst case…He may walk away…,😢😢….So what… We must keep one […]
SHG Meetup Ahmedabad (19.08.2018)
Hello All ! Sharing a Report of Today’s Self-help group Meeting writen by Vikrant Soni Today’s hangout meeting started around 8.10 am and hosted by Vipul Ubhadia Following were the participants: Vikrant Soni, Smit, Ketul, Harshil, Bhupendra Ji, Shardari , Dinesh ,Veer ,Vijay, Vipul First session was Introduction of yourself by any technique… First all […]
My experience #1
क्या मेरी हकलाहट मेरे लिए अच्छी है या बुरी ? मैं हमेशा सही बोलने की कोशिश करता हूं , डरता हूँ कि कहीं हकला गया तो क्या होगा !!! अगर मैं अटक गया तो क्या कल के अखबार के पहले पन्ने पे मेरा नाम होगा – हकलाने के जुर्म में एक व्यक्ति को सज़ा 😊😊 […]