TISA Organizes Maharashtra Mega SHG Meet

This time we tried to host SHG at a different level. We decided to host SHG of all cities in Maharashtra at the same time. So we named it Maharashtra Mega SHG Meet. The host of this SHG was Nikhil Iyer and Rohil Zalke. This meet was attended by almost 15 people, the agenda of […]

Virtual SHG meeting in Nagpur

TISA has organized its second virtual SHG meeting in Nagpur on February 27, 2021. The meet was attended by Nikhil Iyer, Harshal Ponde, Sagar Aware, and Rohil Zalke. The meeting was hosted by Rohil Zalke, and the agenda was as follows – 1) Introduction using any technique 2) Extempore speech 3) Talking about our hobbies […]


TOPG (Tisa online practice group): TISA conducted a two week online intensive practice group, focusing on use of techniques in different situations and developing communication skills through meaningful tasks (consumer survey, cold call, stammering interviews, Presentations, Ex-tempore, Hosting a hangout, cultural activities etc.).Out of 35+ participants, following individuals completed all tasks, and have successfully completed […]

TISA organizes a SHG meeting in Nagpur

This was the brilliant session hosted by TISA SHG Nagpur. This TISA meeting is very well planned and perfectly executed. The meeting was organized in virtual mode. The meet was attended by Nikhil Iyer, Harsh Ponde, Bhushan Khandekar, Sagar, Pranay Chavhan, and Rohil Zalke. This meeting started with a brief introduction to the TISA group. […]

Guwahati Workshop

  Workshop Report & Accounts TISA offers a one day free open session on stammering and recovery in Guwahati on 20th March, Saturday Venue: Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya, Rupnagar Rd, Naamghar, Birubari, Guwahati, Assam 781007.     Map. Dr Satyendra Srivastava, a social worker, researcher and a recovered stammerer will answer your questions and share a few effective techniques. Registration […]

That Wannabe Good Boy

I was merely 5/6 years old and the first time I got to know that I may have pronounced something incorrectly when our milkman asked me where I would go that day because I was all dressed up. I don’t remember what I said exactly but strangely after that day he used to ask me […]

A bunch of Ducks!

The pandemic has taught us a lot of lessons. One big lesson is, we can make things happen virtually. This year, TISA took that challenge and planned our most awaited event- the National Conference entirely virtual. After a lot of planning, discussions and rehearsals- we pulled it out very well. The 5 days of NC […]

शिकायत किसलिए?

मैं शिक्षा विभाग में काम करता हूं और दिव्यांग बच्चों को पढ़ाना मेरे काम का हिस्सा है। कोरोना महामारी के प्रकोप के चलते सभी स्कूल पिछले 6 महीने से बंद हैं। इसलिए सरकार ने ‘‘मेरा घर, मेरा विद्यालय अभियान’’ चलाया है। इसके तहत शिक्षक बच्चों के घर पर जाकर पढ़ाते हैं। मैं भी दिव्यांग बच्चों […]

What have we learned? – (हमने क्या सीखा?)

What have we learned? Experts on Change management in Industry believe that only “learning” organizations survive the rapid technological developments in the world today. Organizations which quickly read the signs (“on the wall”), spot the opportunity (“in the challenge”), and are comfortable with uncertainty, do the best in these times. TISA in its own small […]

Stammering in front of a 10 year old

Yesterday I went to a friend’s place where I met a 10-year-old kid. We started talking and he told me his name and school and which book he is currently reading. It was Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone. I now experience that when I was talking to him, I was trying not to stammer. […]

NC 2020 : मिथक को तोड़ते स्वयं सहायता के प्रयोग

मैं हर साल तीसा द्वारा आयोजित होने वाली नेशनल कान्फ्रेन्स का बड़ी ही बेसब्री से इंतजार करता हूं। इस बार 2020 में भी मुझे उम्मीद थी कि किसी नए शहर में जाने का, नए लोगों से मिलने और हकलाहट के कुछ अनछुए पहलुओं को समझने का मौका मिलेगा। मार्च 2020 में कोरोना महामारी के कारण […]

Mind @ Pandemic

Who had imagined that this year would be like this? There was a astrology show in the start of the year, where astrologers said this is going to be a best wonderful year and people will be very happy and there will be lot of money with everyone. Actually this all happened. People are happy […]


#MyFirstNC Share your Experiences of joining TISA National Conferences with others. Read details in the poster to know how to submit your entries. TISA National Conference ( 1st October to 5th October ) For more details visit – https://stammer.in/nc-2020/

Hangout Feedback from Krishiv

How have hosting hangouts changed you? Confidence boosting: Hosting hangouts sessions at The Indian Stammering Association gives one the confidence in public speaking and leadership in front of an audience of 10-15 members.  Leadership: As a host, you are a leader who takes in charge of making sure our fellow PWS get an opportunity to […]

Another Diversity…

Left is Right! By Amit Singh Kushwaha “Yes, I am left-handed!”. My unconscious mind prefers to do any work with the left hand. Sometimes, people wonder when I write or sign with my left hand. I recall in my childhood; grandmother taught me to eat with the right hand. At that time, I realized, there […]