Stammering….An Emotional Drama :-)

Arjun – Present Mam Chetan – Present Mam Meher – Present Mam Naman  – Ppppppresent Mam….. I am sure we all PWS understand the confusion and dilemma we as a child go through when we stammer in front of a class for the first time. We all know that the stammer the world sees is […]


TISA Bangalore Shg meeting: 10/09/23. Note: The following is the report from the self-help meeting in Bangalore on  10th September. The report is from Vinayak, one of the participants. These self-help meetings happened across India- Delhi, Jaipur, Mumbai, etc. More information can be found on the TISA website. The joining details are at the end. Participants: Labani, […]

The Girl In Green Gown (Part-2)

This blog is a continuation of my previous blog, Kindly go through it before continuing – I could’nt stop thinking about that girl, her face was always in my mind. Even when I closed my eyes, I could see her laughing, nodding in agreement, and carefully ear locking her hair looking at me as […]

Here’s how sharing about your stammering can help you overcome it……

Stammering is made up of negative experiences collected from our childhood, this acts up every time we speak, setting up a mechanism, to prevent us from speaking when we really want to, to protect us from all the shame that stammering has caused us, this conflict, perhaps is the predicament of a PWS. So, how […]

I Will Rise Again.

It was a normal day, I was enjoying my time in the swimming pool with my friends playing with a beach ball. The ball bounded out of the pool after hitting my neck, I got out of the pool to get it. After a few steps, I felt my leg slipping, and I do not […]

“Today, I want to share a very interesting story. I m Pratik Ranjan Yadav from Uttar Pradesh. I have completed my Bachelors in Civil Engineering from Manipal University. I am 25 right now & also a proud stammerer.My stammering got severe from 6th and that is the time when people started bullying me and calling […]

What helped my recovery..

OK, so here are some events in my life that helped a lot: 1. ROLE MODELS: I met some interesting people who had accepted their life in totality, with no regrets or shame. Kumar, my mentor, was one such person. He had been a flower child (Hippie) and had led a wild life in the west- […]

“कुछ खोया कुछ पाया”

  ज़िन्दगी मे कई यादगार दिन आते है, जैसे किसी दिन कुछ ऐसा मिल जाए जिसकी कल्पना हमने सपने में भी ना की हो, या कुछ ऐसा मिल जाए जिसकी कल्पना एक लम्बे समय से की हो, कभी कुछ पा के एक दिन यादगार बन जाता है, तो कभी कुछ खोके एक दिन यादगार बन […]

My Story, My Ambition

When I was a child, my biggest ambition was to “lecture” in a hall, full of people! With gathering years, I discovered that I was free to dream of bigger things than that. But at the age of four, it was a challenge to control my face and put two words together! Then, there were […]

The Perfect Stutter

In seventies England, a young man who stammered and dropped out of university for that reason, writes a manuscript and posts it to his father. He just wanted to explain his strange decisions to his ‘uncomprehending’ father. Years later, he returns home on his father’s death, having earned university degrees in Psycholinguistics, Speech Therapy and […]

Blessed Mistakes

If mistakes are the essential part of normal process of learning and growth, let us acknowledge them and give them their due. Right? I am beginning to see that they have taught me a lot- but mostly at the subconscious level. Let me talk of some such events consciously. One incident comes easily to my […]


An old TISA friend recently shared some deep thoughts with us: I wanted to share some of my experiences, where I had moments of realisation of how a changed attitude (which I acquired due to TISA) can make a huge difference in one’s life. To cut the long story short- I have joined as a Partner […]