TISA Bangalore shg-meet: 02-07-2023. The following is the report from the self-help meeting in Bangalore on 2nd July. The report is from Tapan, one of the participants. These self-help meetings happened across India- Delhi, Jaipur, Mumbai, etc. More information can be found on the TISA website. We PWS often talk about breaking out of our […]
Category: Self Help Group
Any self-help meeting, even if just two people meet in a park and discuss stammering issues.
Anything to do with self help groups..
Bengaluru Self help meet, a gathering of people who stammer-18th June , 2023
Bangalore shg-meet: 18-06-2023. The following is the report from the self-help meeting in Bangalore on 18th June. The report is from Arjun, one of the participants. These self-help meetings happened across India- Delhi, Mumbai, etc. More information can be found on the TISA website. From left to right: Nishil, Arjun, Amarnath, Naveen, Ravi, Laboni, Sudhanshu […]
Bengaluru SHG – 2nd Oct, 2022
Hello, I am Vinayak, it was yet another very pleasant day in Bangalore, it was 9:30 am and I was just about to leave my home, to go to SHG and I got a call from my friend, asking me to explain the project that we were doing, I stuttered very badly and didn’t even […]
Bengaluru SHG – 18th Sep, 2022
The day was warm while the Sun was playing hide and seek with the Bengaluru cloud as usual. Vehicles were moving and People were jogging as usual. Beautiful Cubbon park was offering its greenery to all its visitor as usual. But at the heart of Cubbon park, there was nothing as usual. The big hut, […]
My First Day SHG (Selp Help Group) Experience
On 27/3/2022 I joined my First Delhi SHG Meeting at LODHI Garden which Host By Mr. Afjal Khan. My job transfer from Shajhanpur to Delhi mean comfort zone to Uncomfort zone that why My stammering Increases so find out my stammering solutions I search many Speech therapist (due to Time,Distance and Fees problems) I […]
Mumbai SHG MoM — August 21, 2022
It was so incredible coming back to Mumbai SHG in-person after a gap of almost 3 years. The familiar YMCA Ghatkopar — kids playing on the street, unmanned (welcoming) gate, basketball courts, and the familiar classroom. We began meeting at the YMCA Ghatkopar in 2014. Nikhil Iyer planned an incredible agenda that he shared on […]
TISA Dehradun SHG Meet 7th August 2022 [Speech Practice in Dehradun]
The past two years were rough. For the world, and for us, the members of TISA, who used to meet regularly to work on their speech, communication, and personality development. The COVID-19 pandemic led us to conduct online meetings. Physical meetings stopped altogether. And now, when the situation is much better, SHG meetings are back. […]
TISA initiates SHG in Mehsana (Gujarat)
The Indian Stammering Association has initiated a Self Help Group of People Who Stammer (PWS) in Mehsama (Gurajat) In our SHG, we have four members- Pradip Rajput- Unjha Vaibhava- Palanpur V P Chaudhary- Visnagar Dharambhai- Mehsana We regularly meet at Bindu Sarovar Siddhapur and according to the agenda, we do activities to improve and manage […]
TISA organizes North East SHG meet online
The Indian Stammering Association’s North East SHG has conducted the first online meet on 2nd April 2021. The meeting was hosted by me. There were around ten participants. It was a kind of ice-breaking session where every participant had to introduce themselves with the help of a certain technique. In the second round of the […]
TISA Organizes Maharashtra Mega SHG Meet
This time we tried to host SHG at a different level. We decided to host SHG of all cities in Maharashtra at the same time. So we named it Maharashtra Mega SHG Meet. The host of this SHG was Nikhil Iyer and Rohil Zalke. This meet was attended by almost 15 people, the agenda of […]
Virtual SHG meeting in Nagpur
TISA has organized its second virtual SHG meeting in Nagpur on February 27, 2021. The meet was attended by Nikhil Iyer, Harshal Ponde, Sagar Aware, and Rohil Zalke. The meeting was hosted by Rohil Zalke, and the agenda was as follows – 1) Introduction using any technique 2) Extempore speech 3) Talking about our hobbies […]
TISA organizes a SHG meeting in Nagpur
This was the brilliant session hosted by TISA SHG Nagpur. This TISA meeting is very well planned and perfectly executed. The meeting was organized in virtual mode. The meet was attended by Nikhil Iyer, Harsh Ponde, Bhushan Khandekar, Sagar, Pranay Chavhan, and Rohil Zalke. This meeting started with a brief introduction to the TISA group. […]
06-Sep-20 – First meeting in corona time
First I will clear that this is not the formal meeting this was casual meeting planned to meet Arun Kumar before he is posted to Leh. On 05-Sep-20 Mr Arun Kumar called me but due to urgent work in office I was unable to received the call of Arun Kumar then on 06-Sep-2020 Mr Arun […]
Pranayama & Meditation Session
Pranayama and Meditation session is organised by Soma Roy on 28 June from 7 AM to 8 AM. In this session, we focused on abdominal breathing, nadisundhi, bhramri followed by mindfulness meditation. People participated in this session – Soma (Host), Anita, Ashish, Deepak, Arpit, Dipanjan, Bhupendra, Iram, Nishil, Ankit, Sachin, Shilpa, Soumya, Srinivas, Tapan, Krishnenedu, […]
A Wonderful Hangout meeting
TISA recently organized a wonderful interactive three days’ communication workshop at Siliguri, West Bengal with an ambition to change the negative mindset towards stammering, boost inner confidence and assist in becoming a self-help person. For discussing the lifelong messages from the workshop, continuing the encouragement and practice of valuable speaking techniques, a successful TISA hangout […]
Fun, Productive and Interactive TISA SHG Meeting- Patna- 1 March 2020
Our Agenda – Member Introduction – Introduction of techniques – Story shared by every member (Where they shared how they tackle difficult situation, His feeling on stuttering) – 3 minute – Session by Anant (Recovered stammered) On Detailed discussion on stuttering strategies, smart strategies, Mental blocks. – Number telling game (Inspired by SILIGURI WORKSHOP) – […]
1st Assam SHG Meeting: 19th January, 2020
Kudos to Dipankar Gogoi, who took the first step in forming the Assam SHG group when he created the Assam SHG forum (https://stammer.in/self-help-groups/assam/) in 2016 . Thanks to Satyajit Barman, Diganta Deka and Dipankar Gogoi who took the initiative to form a whatapp group with the idea to connect with fellow pws(people who stammer) in […]
Mumbai SHG – Dec 15, 2019
Participants: Nikhil, Ishan,Saurabh,Rahim, Vishal, Dhruv Date: Sunday, Dec 15 Time: 2 – 4 pm Venue: Lakers Rotary Center, Powai https://goo.gl/maps/DMQuXem6ueEjSzDx9 Agenda: – Silence / relaxation through conscious slow breathing (5 mins) – Change Game – meet & greet each other 1-1 and then change partners
(15 mins) – Energizer – bum game or naani paani […]
BLR SHG meeting (17 Nov 2019)
Attendees (L to R): Rahul, Joshua, Ravi, Sharad, Manish, Veershekhar, Vighneshwar, Anna Venue: Cubbon Park, near central library. Time: 10 AM to 1 PM Today’s Self Help Group (SHG) meeting was hosted Ravi. We began our meeting with self introduction, we introduced ourselves, spoke about our respective professional experience, our hobbies, association with TISA and […]
14-11-2019 (A meeting at India Gate with Afzal & Arun Kumar)
Afzal and Arun Kumar just completed the workshop with Sachin sir now they returned and doing frequently stranger talk meeting. This time Arun Kumar has some personal work with somewhere and Afzal also joined with Arun Kumar and they after work travel by metro and reached to Central Secretariat metro station that is adjacent to […]